
The objectives of the department are to provide students with a fundamental understanding of our present day economic system; to prepare students for immediate entry into professional careers in the business, 银行与金融, and 政府al communities; to prepare students for graduate school, 尤其是在经济领域, 工商管理, and 法律; and to prepare students for teaching in the social science areas of the secondary school system.



A degree in economics prepares a student for a career as an economist, and for positions in traditional business, 政府, 金融业务, 法律, 咨询业务, 大学的老师, and public/private school teacher.

Campus Organizations and Activities

  • 经济社会
  • 饥饿联盟(历史)


Dr. 大卫•哈里斯教授兼主席

Dr. 理查德Coronado教授,

Dr. 詹姆斯年轻,副教授


For more information, please email Dr. 大卫•哈里斯 或拨打913-360-7456.

Recent Papers Written, Delivered, or Published

“The False God of Capitalist Liberalism in Catholic Social Thought” -博士发表. 理查德·科罗纳多 教会生活日志 2022年5月.

Dr. Coronado presented a paper on the economic thought of Pope Francis in Laduato Si at the spring, 2017 本笃会的大学 Evangelization conference. The paper was published by the Church Life journal at Notre Dame University in the fall of 2018. 这篇文章的题目是: “A Theological Critique of Economic Modernity’s Myths.”

“Open Letter in Reply to U.S. Representative Paul Ryan’s 毕业典礼 Address at 2013 本笃会的大学 Graduation Ceremony” ——博士. 理查德Coronado.

“The Need for Gratuity in 经济学:  A Close Look at Caritas in Veritate” ——博士. 理查德J. 科罗纳多, Catholic Social Teaching and 经济学: Proceedings from the 34th Annual Convention of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars, ed. 伊丽莎白C. 肖(印第安纳州圣母院.: Fellowship of Catholic Scholars, 2012), 85-110.

“选择性, Contemporary Book Review of The Wealth of Nations: More Than Two Centuries Later”  by Dr. 大卫•哈里斯, published in The Journal of International 业务, Fall 2010.

“Centesimus Annus and Key Elements of John Paul II’s Political Economy”  ——博士. 理查德Coronado, presented at the Missouri Valley 经济学 Association meeting in Kansas City, Mo., 2009年10月22日.  (Edited for the Web in June, 2010.)

Dr. 理查德Coronado’s Distinguished Educator of the Year Address ——2012年4月25日

Studying 经济学 and 哲学 at 本笃会的大学

I am grateful and fortunate to have studied economics at 本笃会的大学. In addition to learning the fundamental theories that are essential to a degree in economics, my education has been informed by a Christian perspective. In the first year or two of undergraduate study, I leaned strongly toward a free market, 芝加哥学派的偏见. I subscribed to the general belief that anyone can prosper if they just work hard enough. I worked hard and I thought that I should be able to reap the resulting rewards. It was unjust, I believed, for anyone to interfere with my right to the material benefits of my work. I believed that a situation in which everyone pursues his or her self-interest will produce prosperity for all members of society.

逐渐, with the help of thoughtful questions and discussions in classes, I became aware that my perspective was focused only on one aspect of the person. The recurrent themes of my beliefs were autonomy, individualism and self-interest. Rather than seeing society as a community of human persons, my image had been distorted into that of a group of material bodies. Professors Coronado and Harris teach economics from a Christian perspective, 这是, with constant recognition of the dignity of every human being. Studying under them has led me to reconsider the way that economics fits into the. ultimate end of human existence. In addition to focusing on maximizing utility, efficiency or material living standards, we must consider the effects of economic activity on human beings as persons. For human beings are more than material individuals, more than modes of production and consumption. There is an immaterial, eternal aspect of the person that demands respect, rights and even love. The economics department and philosophy departments at 本笃会的大学 were instrumental in bringing this truth to light, and has thus enriched my view of economics with a more complete view of the human person in the Imago Dei.
