Dr. 理查德Coronado

职务名称: 教授

部门: 经济学

电话: 913.360.7489

博士联系. 理查德Coronado

文学学士(1969),文学硕士(1971),哲学博士.D. (1980), all at University of Notre Dame


Full 教授, 本笃会的大学, 2005-present

Associate 教授, 本笃会的大学, 1985 – 2004

Assistant 教授, 本笃会的大学, 1982-1985

Kansas Committee for the Humanities Seminar, Summer, 1988

Elderhostel, 本笃会的大学, Summer, 1986

Assistant 教授, Baker University, 1981-82

Assistant 教授, Master of Liberal Arts program, Baker University, 1982

Instructor, University of Notre Dame, 1978-79

Assistant 教授, New Mexico State University, 1975-1978

Instructor, Ancilla Domini Jr. 大学,1973 - 75

Teaching Assistant, University of Notre Dame, 1971-73


Microeconomic and MacroeconomicTheory


History of Economic Thought



Current Professional and Academic Association Membership

密苏里州 Valley 经济学 Association

American 经济学 Association


“Seminar in Political Economy and Social Justice,” a seminar for Kansas high school teachers of economics, a competitive grant of the Kansas Committee for the Humanities.  本笃会的大学 campus, Atchison,堪萨斯, June 12 – June 24, 1988.


“The False God of Capitalist Liberalism in Catholic Social Thought” -博士发表. 理查德·科罗纳多 教会生活日志 2022年5月.

Dr. Coronado presented a paper on the economic thought of Pope Francis in Laduato Si at the spring, 2017 本笃会的大学 Evangelization conference. The paper was published by the Church Life journal at Notre Dame University in the fall of 2018. 这篇文章的题目是: “A Theological Critique of Economic Modernity’s Myths.”

The Need for Gratuity in 经济学:  A Close Look at Caritas in Veritate——理查德·J. 科罗纳多, 天主教社会训导 and 经济学: Proceedings from the 34th Annual Convention of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars, ed. 伊丽莎白C. 肖(印第安纳州圣母院.: Fellowship of Catholic Scholars, 2012), 85-110.

Centesimus Annus:  John Paul II’s Encyclical on the Centenary of Rerum Novarum” Forum for 社会经济学 卷. 22, No. 1、1992年秋.

“The American Catholic Bishops’ Pastoral Letter on The Economy:  Statist or Not?”    Forum for 社会经济学 卷. 18, No. 2 & 卷. 19, No. 1、1989年春秋.


Pope Francis on The Spirituality of Economic Life” Presented at Symposium on New Evangelization, April 1, 2017, Atchison, KS. 也包括在 教会生活日志2018年9月25日.

“Conceptions of Freedom in Catholic Social Thought,” 博士. 理查德Coronado, presented at the 密苏里州 Valley 经济学 Association annual meeting in 堪萨斯城, Mo., 2015年10月22日.

Dr. 理查德Coronado’s Distinguished Educator of the Year Address ——2012年4月25日

The Need for Gratuity in 经济学——医生. 理查德Coronado, presented Sept. 24, 2011, in Detroit at the annual meeting of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars.

Open Letter in Reply to U.S. Representative Paul Ryan’s 毕业典礼 Address at 2013 本笃会的大学 Graduation Ceremony” – 博士. 理查德Coronado. Presented at the 密苏里州 Valley 经济学 Association annual meeting in 堪萨斯城, Mo.2013年10月17日.

Centesimus Annus and Key Elements of John Paul II’s Political Economy——医生. 理查德Coronado, presented at the 密苏里州 Valley 经济学 Association meeting in 堪萨斯城, Mo., 2009年10月22日.  (Edited for the Web in June, 2010.)

Centesimus Annus and Key Elements of Catholic Political Economy,” 密苏里州 Valley 经济学 Association, 堪萨斯城, 密苏里州, October 22, 2007.

“Adam Smith and John Paul II on Keeping Capitalism Within Moral Bounds: The Theory of Moral Sentiments and Centesimus Annus.” 密苏里州 Valley 经济学 Association, 堪萨斯城, 密苏里州, 2月28日, 2004.

“French Approaches to Globalization,” 本笃会的大学 Faculty Colloquium, 与博士共同报告. Daphne McConnell, Atchison,堪萨斯, January 22, 2003.

“A Note on Conceptions of Freedom in Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments,” 密苏里州 Valley 经济学 Association, 堪萨斯城, 密苏里州, 2月24日, 2001. (far different version than in ‘99)

“A Note on Conceptions of Freedom in Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments,” 密苏里州 Valley 经济学 Association, 孟菲斯, 田纳西州, 2月26日, 1999.

“Economists’ Responses to The U.S. Catholic Bishops’ Pastoral Letter on the Economy 1986-1996,” Association for 社会经济学, 芝加哥, 伊利诺斯州, 7月26日, 1998.

经济学家对美国经济进行了分析.S. Catholic Bishops’ Pastoral Letter on the Economy 1986-1996,” 密苏里州
Valley 经济学 Association, St. Louis, 密苏里州, March 1, 1997.

“Centesimus Annus:  John Paul II’s Encyclical on the Centenary of Rerum Novarum,” 密苏里州 Valley 经济学 Association, St. Louis, 密苏里州, 2月28日, 1992.

“Centesimus Annus:  An Initial View,”  Sixth World Congress of 社会经济学, 奥马哈, 内布拉斯加州, 8月10日, 1991.

“Some Implications for Economists of John Paul II’s Latest Encyclical, 关于社会问题,” a paper delivered at the 密苏里州 Valley 经济学 Association meetings, 孟菲斯, 田纳西州, 2月24日, 1990.

“The American Bishops’ Pastoral Letter on The Economy:  Statist or Not?,” a paper delivered at the 密苏里州 Valley 经济学 Association meetings, 堪萨斯城, 密苏里州, 2月28日, 1987.

“The Bishops’ Pastoral Letter on the Economy — An Overview,” presented