Athletes in Engineering

本尼迪克特学院工程学院具有吸引学生运动员的独特品质. 目前在工程专业注册的200多名学生中,有许多是校队运动员. 在有学生攻读工程学位的体育系中有:足球, Baseball, Basketball, Volleyball, Track, Cross Country, Soccer, and Dance.

Alumni Student Athletes

Keenan Graef: Wrestling and Track

A member of the class of 2021, Keenan understands the challenge of a student athlete, commenting, “我觉得选修一个课业繁重的专业,还要把时间花在一项运动上,这似乎很吓人.” However, he knows that it is a challenge that can be met. “What is often overlooked is that, to get to the point of being a college athlete, 你已经学会平衡你的时间,努力学习,在课堂上取得好成绩,完成所有的作业,” he explains.

As a Mechanical Engineering student with limited time, Keenan emphasizes, “你知道你需要在这段时间内完成尽可能多的事情.” He describes one of his strategies, “我的建议是,只要你有一两个小时的空闲时间,就尽可能多地学习, 然后,当你只有一点时间工作的时候,慢慢地完成一些小任务.”

Many teams schedule study tables as well as practices. Graef encourages, “If you sit down and stay focused during those study tables, 你将有足够的时间来完成你所有的事情.”

Keenan’s conclusion? “我认为,如果你愿意付出努力,在不列颠哥伦比亚省同时进行体育和学术学习是非常可行的.”

Liam Morel: Cross Country & Track

2021级的利亚姆·莫雷尔除了机械工程专业外,还辅修数学和哲学. He explains, “进入大学后,我期待的是一门严格的课程,而这正是我作为一名工程专业学生所得到的.利亚姆从家庭教育到本尼迪克特学院的工程项目, which was “a satisfying challenge.”

Cross country practice, as for many other teams, is every day of the week for two hours starting at 4 pm. 对莫雷尔来说,练习是“在一天的课程结束后释放的好方法.“许多不参加体育运动的学生努力利用这段课间和晚餐之间的时间, and Morel notes, “I did not feel like I was missing out on too much.”

Community, one of the hallmarks of Benedictine College, provided a network of support and encouragement. Liam describes, “在赛道上和赛道外,团队都对我负责,而我的同学们则和我一起在作业壕里努力生存.因此,他解释说,“这种互动形成了关系,非常有益。.”

“At times the rigor felt overwhelming, but looking back, 我想很多人都能在本尼迪克特学院成为一名成功的工程专业学生和运动员.” He encourages, “经过一年艰苦的学习和三个赛季的训练和比赛,回顾自己的成长是非常令人欣慰的! I am blessed to be a Student-Athlete Raven!”

Hannah Thomazin: Volleyball

Hannah Thomazin, a Mechanical Engineering major in the class of 2020, finds that playing a sport often helps her as a student. “如果我被家庭作业难住了,或者在课堂上遇到了困难, I can go to practice to get my mind away from it for a while. Then after practice, I’m ready to tackle whatever problem again, and things become clearer,” she explains.

汉娜知道,在大学水平上竞争的同时,攻读工程学位并不容易, but requires discipline and time management. To stay organized with classes, assignments, practices, and games, she says, “我在谷歌日历上安排了一整天,所以我知道我需要做什么,什么时候做.她还参加了暑期班,以减轻暑期期间的学分负担.

Studying engineering as a student athlete may be difficult, 但汉娜认为回报绝对是值得的. She concludes, “At the end, 我将获得一个坚实的学位,这将帮助我找到一份好工作,而且我将与成为我家庭一部分的女孩们一起参加我喜欢的运动.”

David Breda: Soccer

A Civil Engineering major in the class of 2020, 大卫·布雷达(David Breda)知道,作为一名工科学生运动员可能会令人生畏. “一边学工程学一边做运动听起来比实际情况可怕得多. It’s all about time management,” he explains.

Understanding the need for balance, David advises, “在早上或课间完成家庭作业和作业,这样你就可以在练习前完成. That way you can just relax after practice.”

布雷达还谈到了体育和学术之间的潜在冲突:“成功的另一个重要关键是与教授建立牢固的关系,这样如果你不得不因为游戏或其他原因而缺课, things can be worked out and you can get the help you need.”

Student Athlete Alumni

Greg Danner: Cross Country & Track

As a Mechanical Engineering major in the class of 2015, 丹纳是由于对汽车工程的兴趣而进入工程领域的. “我在一家分销公司工作,并参观了许多制造工厂,这更激发了我对工程的兴趣.”

While a senior Cross Country & Track runner, 格雷格·丹纳坚持严格的时间表,以确保有时间学习, athletics, and free time. “我通过非常有组织和专注的方式来平衡大学体育和工程,并让自己的日程安排得很紧,” he said. 对时间有限的运动员来说特别重要的事情, 丹纳懂得如何学习:“和一小群朋友一起学习. Study smart and don’t over study. 睡觉通常比整晚死记硬背更重要, especially when your body is worn out from practice.”

Corey Gaunt: Soccer

Corey Gaunt, from the class of 2015, had a very busy schedule and described, “因为没有时间,我不得不放弃和朋友们一起出去玩. 我基本上醒来,去上课,去踢足球,吃饭,做作业/学习,然后回到床上.”

Gaunt doesn’t like to take away from anything, 而是“……踢足球的时候我担心足球,上学的时候我担心工程.他喜欢和一小群人一起学习,和他们一起分享大部分课程.

科里解释了一些适用于所有工程学运动员的事情, “Engineering + Athletics = lots of dedication!”

Raymond Gragg: Football

A member of the class of 2014, Raymond Gragg解释了教练是如何帮助他平衡大学运动和工程的, “It’s all about time management. 教练们是一笔巨大的财富,教会他们如何管理好每一秒的时间. If you treat each day as a job, accounting for all your time in a day, you will develop the skills needed to succeed.”

Raymond also stressed the importance of free time, “If you go go go for too long you will burn yourself out. School is not a sprint but an endurance race. 幸运的是,你每个学期都有机会把你以前做对的东西拿出来,在它的基础上改进,并修正不正确的地方.”

The key to engineering is to keep trying, explained Raymond, “Engineering is a difficult major, and if you are struggling with it don’t lose hope. 有教授和其他学生想要帮助你. 这就是像本尼迪克特这样的地方的伟大之处,小人数给了大支持.”